A New Year brings A New Energy

From the Blog

A New Year brings A New Energy

We can look at the 1st of January as just another regular day, or look at it with fresh eyes, with enthusiasm to finally start our goals list – or at least make one. 

The fact is it doesn’t really matter how you look at it, as long as you wake up willing to live every day as a gift, as a new opportunity to experience life. 

If we are able to break our lives into small small moments, each and every day can be as special as the arrival of a new year. 

Imagine if you had only this exact moment to live. How would you like to be feeling right now? Which type of thoughts would you be choosing to have? Which emotions would you tap into? Which actions would you choose?

What if I tell you that this is exactly how it is. You only have this moment to live. And now this moment. And now this moment. And this moment.

Let’s start the year making the best we can with each and every moment – even if sometimes the best that we can do is not what we expected.

Accept life as it is and flow with what it delivers to you. 

Embrace that and combine with who you are to transform your reality, and the world of those around you. 

As we open our eyes every morning, we gain a new opportunity to make the best we can with it. Let’s take advantage of that, with whatever reality each one of us is facing at the moment. The choice is ours! 

Happy New Day, everyday!

With love,

Gabi Gazzola

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