Best Seated Workouts For Seniors!

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Best Seated Workouts For Seniors!

Exercising in a chair is very beneficial for the elderly population and allows for improvements in strength, flexibility, posture, and joint health! Four of the best seated workouts for seniors are as follows:

1. Seated Strength Training

Strength training 2-3 times per week is recommended to maintain health and fitness after the age of 50. Health professionals suggest using light weights (such as light dumbbells or resistance bands) instead of heavy weights. Doing these exercises in a chair places far less pressure on the knees, and can prevent injury due to falling.

2. Seated Tai Chi

Tai Chi not only increases strength, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness, but also helps to build inner strength when it comes to self control and concentration. Kev’s Gym offers Seated Tai Chi classes! Book a Tai Chi Class today!

3. Seated Cardio Dance

Seated dancing is great for seniors to stay in shape, improve flexibility, and posture, while also having fun! Ditch the workout, and join the party in with a fun, upbeat, and lively seated dance class with Kev’s Gym!

4. Chair Yoga

Chair yoga allows those who require or prefer the support of a chair to experience the many benefits of yoga without having to get up and down from the floor. Similar to traditional yoga on a mat, chair yoga supports flexibility, balance, coordination, and concentration.

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