Jennifer Haas

Jennifer Haas

Jennifer has been practicing yoga since 1996, and consistently since 2008. As a software customer support manager for nearly 20 years, she turned to running and roller blading in her earlier days to burn off steam. After several injuries, she tried her first yoga class and was instantly hooked, maintaining a consistent daily practice for many years. Jennifer received her 200 hour certification in early 2012 at Moksha Yoga Studio in Wellington, FL. She has been teaching ever since, continuing to deepen, evolve, and enrich her yoga studies with consistent practice and continuing education.

Jennifer teaches from her own personal journey, sharing how poses benefit the body and how they translate off the mat. She offers modifications in the hopes to make the benefits of the poses accessible to all students. Her compassionate and functional teaching style and training background focus on the whole student, their unique bodies, and their personal intention for practice. Jennifer hopes that her classes allow students to explore their yoga goals and intentions to their fullest capacity through awareness of the breath and the exploration of mobility, range of motion, strength, and flexibility.

Jennifer joined the Kev’s Gym team in August 2021 and serves our clients in West Palm Beach, FL. Want to book an appointment with Jennifer? Click here!


200 hr Vinyasa Teacher Training